Thursday, July 5, 2007

Do you have a fan club?

The reason that sports teams prefer to play in their hometown is because they have the home team advantage. The familiarity of the field, the short journey to the game, the crowd that cheers for them, and the love of friends and family right there with them. This is their fan club and you need a fan club too.

Whenever we start something new and tell others about it, we always come across those who say, “that will never work” or something pessimistic about it. They might be friends, coworkers, even family. But, there are those who support you, believe in you, and want to see you succeed. Seek these people out, surround yourself with these people, and make them your fan club. We all need a fan club!

When you talk with someone who is not a fan and they ask, “how it’s going?” Tell them great, and it is getting better. But, do not engage in detailed conversation with them. In time, that person is likely to see that you are succeeding and achieving your dreams, and they may become part of your support team, your fan club. Until then, keep them at a distance because you need, we all need, to be around those who truly care for us and want to see us become who we dream to be.

Meet with your fan club, or speak with them often. Have a “fan club” night once a month. Let them know how you are doing, your successes, and your failures. Share in their successes too. They will boost you higher and help pick you up when you need it. Don’t make you journey any harder than it has to be, find those who will push, motivated, and encourage to reach you goals.

You also have to be a part of someone’s fan club. You must be there for others when they need you. Pick them up when they are down, raise them higher when they are successful, and love them when they need a shoulder to rest on. When you are giving to someone, you are also receiving. And the more you give, the more you will receive.

Ah, but what if you do not have any fans? At times, everyone is short of fans. You may have moved, changed jobs, or life has changed. This is a great opportunity for you to build a new fan club. If you are building a fit body, join a club and talk with others, you will find several people that you click with. Go online into forums or chat rooms about a subject that you need support. A fan does not have to be someone you meet face to face. Ask your neighbors, and check the local community message boards for events with people of like minds. Invite your existing fans over for coffee and tell them to bring their fans. If you want it to happen, you must go out and make it happen.

Live in a home team advantage by building a rich and diverse fan club!

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