Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer Fest

The end of summer is one of the greatest times in the year. Why? Because gardens are overflowing. Right now, you can get almost any fruit or vegetable you desire. Almost everything is in season right now. My tomato and cucumber plants are full and begging to be picked. There is so much this time of year that I get to share with family, friends, and neighbors. At summer's end there are more vegetables that one can eat from even a small garden.

Most love going to a farm stand to get fresh produce, it is even more fun and exciting to go into the backyard and pick fresh off the vine as you prepare dinner. Next year I am going to start earlier and plant a little more variety.

To enjoy living a healthy life, truly thrive in a healthy lifestyle you must find the experiences that make you happy. You must create the events that make you want to eat better foods and live the right way. A small garden is one of those ways.

It does not take much work either. In the spring after the last frost, go buy tomato and vegetable flats that already have a good start. Buy various maturities to get some produce early and some late. Plant in the ground or in pots and set up a DIY automatic watering system that you buy in a good garden center. And then let nature takes its course. Keep it simple. There is nothing else to do except pick until you tummy is content. An added benefit, it is less expensive than buying from the supermarket and always tastes better.

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