Thursday, May 29, 2008

92 and feeling like 50

If you read biographies of the famous you find that all great and successful people never stop learning. This is not only true for the famous, but also for the every day exceptional person. An excellent doctor, a home renovation contractor, a school teacher, a parent, and a top selling sales associate. If you do not continue to sharpen your skills, increase your knowledge, or improve your thinking, you will always get what you have always got. If you are not growing, then you are dying. For example, a plant; it grows from the day it is germinates as a seed until the day it dies. Have you ever seen a dying plant grow?

Unfortunately, and too often people die before they actually … well, die. Many people wither into shells of once they once were decades before their time. The only reason that a person is not as healthy in her 70’s as she was in her 20’s is because of her lifestyle. If you eat properly, exercise regularly, keep your muscles strong and toned, and keep your brain improving, you will be amazingly healthy in you “golden years.” Isn’t that what retirement is suppose to be about.

My neighbor (a few years and 2 houses ago), drove a beautiful white Jaguar convertible, and went out regularly to meet new people and always dated younger women. He was 92 and kept company with people in their 50’s. He loved to tell stories and he always talked about the future, the latest book he read, or new dance move he learned. He ate well and lived a balanced life and only kept company with those of a positive mental attitude. He didn’t look a day over 70. I think I will have to check in on John and see how he is doing. He will be turning 100 this year.

I think we can all learn a little from John.

John’s Lesson: “You are never too old to learn or try new things.”

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