Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Health Drink? Not so fast!

You might think that a drink with words like; Vitamin, Water, Juice, Power-C, Dragonfruit, and other spicy naming like “Water + Vitamins = All you need”, would be healthy. Not so quick.

I am talking about Glaceau VitaminWater. This is an unhealthy “health drink.” Maybe the unhealthiest of all. The second ingredient is Crystalline Fructose, AKA sugar. Where does processed sugar fall under the category of healthy? Who are they kidding? Actually … a lot of people because most do not read the label. Anything with glucose, fructose, corn syrup, or similar ingredients should be avoided in your diet, or limited. These are garbage-processed sugars that add body-fat to your waistline.

Be careful with fancy marketing words and phrases like; “nutrient enhance water beverage”, “natural”, “hydrate responsibly.”

Here’s the NOT-SO skinny on this health drink.
125 calories in the bottle
32.5 grams of sugar
Less than 1 percent juice
Includes Crystalline Fructose
and a bunch of chemical ingredients we can’t pronounce.

Drink lesson: Sounds healthy does not = healthy

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