Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It’s the little things!

I hear from many people, “It is so hard to make a radical lifestyle change.” I recommend making a radical change in your life if you want massive results. When you make a decision and cut off all other possibilities, then you will succeed at permanent weight loss. I understand that some prefer to dip their toe in the pool rather than jump in. This method can also be successful, but only if you implement one change, make it a ritual or your lifestyle; and then build on it with another change. You can change one thing a day, a week, or even one a month. The more the merrier and faster you will get to your Better Body and Better Life.

Here are 3 simple things you can do that will make a dramatic change:

  1. Substitute seltzer (soda) water for soda. Zero calories and healthier than any type of soda.
  2. Serve your meal onto a plate and then put away the extra for leftovers. You are much less likely to open the fridge, take the food back out and serve another plate. If you get the urge (usually out of habit) to eat more, then get up, wash the plates and go do something. Go for a walk, make a call, help your children with their homework. Do something to change your focus from food to an activity.
  3. Lose 6 extra pounds free! Burn more calories by taking the stairs or parking far from your job or the mall. And walk with a purpose and speed. If you can add 4 events to your day that burns 15 calories extra each, you will burn 21,400 calories in a year or about 6 pounds of bodyfat. 6 pounds lighter by this time next year for doing almost nothing!

Combine all three tips and you may lose 20,30, or even 40 pounds in a year by making small and simple changes.

Change what you focus on and you will change your life!
With love … Croix

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