Monday, May 19, 2008

Fitness for a Fabulous Body

Remember how good it felt when you were a child and it was your birthday? I got to feel that way last week. I received my pre-publication proof of the BetterBody BetterLife “Fitness for a Fabulous Body” DVD. This is my copy of the DVD for final approval before it goes into production. AXA Media Group did an amazing job. I am absolutely thrilled with the video. The DVD is expected to be released in a next month.

There are two main reasons why I created a DVD to go with the Better Body BetterLife program. First, a video is a far better learning tool that a few illustrations in the back of a book showing you how to perform muscle-toning exercises, like you see in most programs. You will learn faster and better when you see the exercises in action. Second, it is an opportunity for us to meet, even if it is virtually.

Most health programs focus on dieting and cardiovascular exercise. Yes, your dietary intake is important (dieting is bad), in other words your nutrition, and so is cardio exercise. But, there is another essential component that must be incorporated into your life and it is muscle toning. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Tone and strengthen your muscles and it will be easier to create and keep the body of your dreams. Also, toned and strong muscles make you look better, feel better, and make it easier for you to do every activity in your life.

Toned and strong muscles are a foundation of a healthy life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely looking forward to the DVD ! It will be a great complement to the book and journal.

Keep up the good work!
