Friday, June 29, 2007

Welcome to the Great Journey!

Life can get so busy, so hectic, and crazy. It is easy to let some things go by the wayside. For many it is finances, friends, and extended family. But most often it is one’s health. When life is busy, the fast food joint serves its purpose. A candy bar keeps you going, and a 64-ounce soda gets you through the day. And then we fall into patterns. Some patterns are carried over from childhood and continue through habit and some develop as an effect of circumstances. Patterns of being late, being busy, running around, and that is before you even get to work. It really is no wonder that so many are overfat. Who has time for a good meal?

I must be clear with you right up front. Life can get in the way and we all have more to do than we can humanly accomplish in a 24-hour day, but these are only circumstances and not excuses. These are not reasons to remain overfat, out of shape, and deteriorating. I am unapologetically direct and frank at times because I know that you have the power, strength, courage, and willpower to make any change in your life that you set your mind too. The human mind and body is almost without limits. Success stories are everywhere with people who have gone from fat to fit, from weak to strong, from sick to healthy, and from diseased to free.

This is your life and your choices. Will you choose to stay the way you are? You can complain about your health and weight for the rest of your life, or you can choose to make a change. Will you commit to creating the life of your dreams? Will you accept nothing less than a fit and sculpted body? Will you demand a healthy life so that you can play with your children, family, pets, and friends with a vigor and enthusiasm known only to those who have taken control of his or her life? These are questions only you can answer. Only you can decide to make a change. The choice must be made by you, and for you. Weight loss is easy once your mind decides it is a must.

Life is a wonderful journey. It is even grander when you have the energy of a 20-year-old lifeguard, and a body that you admire on yourself at any age. Life is amazing when you have the endurance to holiday at Disney World with your children and they tire out before you do. Life is outstanding when you do not need to worry about high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, most diseases, or respiratory problems.

This can be your life! It is up to you!

Let me help you get there.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

About Croix

Since a teenager I have been enthusiastic about health and fitness, always in the background and the foundation of my life. As I grew older, fitness would come and go with stages of my life. Like most people, other events took precedence over my health. When I approached the 30 mark of my life, my physiology began to change. The weight no longer stayed off and I was no longer the athletic shape of my early youth. This is when I became serious about health. But once again life got in the way. Does this sound familiar to you? My life was permanently changed because I was introduced to new information and tools to take control of my life.

Health and fitness is so much more than going to the gym and running on the treadmill for thirty minutes. This set me on a path with only one direction, the road of lifelong health, fitness, and balance. I continued my knowledge with certifications and studies in personal training, cardiovascular exercise, nutrition, yoga, personal development, mental skills development, life coaching, psychology, Neuro-linguistic programming, visualization, meditation, and communication. I never stop learning. I continue to learn and build on current knowledge, and explore new areas of study from our culture and abroad. I firmly believe that if you are not growing, you are dying. Growth comes from learning, believing, achieving, and contributing.

Within months of making a commitment to myself, I lost 30 pounds of bodyfat. I began toning and sculpting my physique, and eating truly healthy. It is a different “healthy” than in the mainstream beliefs. Different than the corrupt peddling of information the government promotes because of lobbyist pressure. It is a healthful way of living based on logic, balance, and time-honored knowledge. It is a plan that anyone can follow and use. I feel better now as I am approaching 40 than at any other time of my life, with more endurance and energy. My BetterBody BetterLife plan is the results of my work, studies, and commitment to an outstanding lifestyle in health, fitness, nutrition, and a balanced life.

I look forward to sharing my blog. In this blog I will share my knowledge, experiences, and dreams. I hope you do the same and post you successes in thoughts in the comments section.

Work hard, play harder, live fit, laugh often, love most. Life is a wonderful ride!
All the best ... Croix