Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How can I tell if my soymilk is spoiled?

Many people are switching to soy mil instead of cow’s milk. Some are lactose intolerant and others are making it for health or philosophical reasons. Soymilk comes from soybeans and like cow’s milk it is fortified with missing nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium.

Does soymilk go sour? And how do you tell?

Yes, soymilk does sour. Soymilk can last a long time unopened, but once it is opened it should be refrigerated consumed within 10 days with most brands.

Here is some information adapted from the SILK soymilk website.
"If your soymilk doesn't look, smell or taste the way it usually does, it may be spoiled. Fresh soymilk does not have a strong odor. Signs of spoilage include:
  • The package looks abnormally bloated
  • When poured, the soy milk appears to have thickened slightly
  • The color of the soy milk has changed (chocolate turns lighter and vanilla may look beige)
  • It is so thick that it won't pour easily, or it looks like a milk shake and has curds or lumps
  • Any smell resembling dying flowers, sour milk or chemicals
  • A slightly "off" or beany flavor, or a bitter, metallic, earthy, grassy or extremely sweet taste
  • If you are unsure about whether your soy milk has spoiled, do not drink it or cook with it.
How long will Silk products stay fresh?
Silk Soymilk will keep fresh in your refrigerator unopened until the date stamped on the top of the carton. Once opened, Silk will stay fresh for seven to 10 days if kept refrigerated. It is not unusual for Silk to remain good past the 10-day mark; however, we only guarantee that it will be good for seven to 10 days.”

The only time you will find cow’s milk in my house is when I need it for a recipe. Otherwise I choose soymilk and I like it better. Different brands taste differently, so try a variety of brands until you find the one you like the most.

“I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.” (Woody Allen)