Monday, February 9, 2009

Your Attitude Determines if You Succeed

Everything in life worth achieving is difficult. Think about the times when you are most proud of what you accomplished – weren’t they also the most difficult to achieve? Didn’t they require everything you had at that moment? Your attitude kept you going even when there were moments when you wanted to give up?

But you didn’t give up and you prevailed. You graduated college. You finished a 5k run. You completed that project on time. You stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new. You lost 20 pounds.

It is no different when it comes to your health. You must do what seems too difficult in the moment. Say no to a second helping. Don’t buy the junk food. Go to the fitness center when you rather watch TV. Jog one more mile. Choose the healthy food over the garbage.

In the moment some choices are hard, but when you do you grow past your previous perceived limitations the next time is easier. And the next time – even easier. Soon what was once difficult becomes a habit and there is no effort at all.

Check out this video clip from Facing the Giants. Don’t let the negative voice of attitude in your head keep you from doing what you can easily do. What you thought was impossible becomes reality.

You CAN Do It!

I will send a FREE autographed copy of BetterBody BetterLife to the most inspiration comment I receive to this post in February. Extra credit if it relates to health or fitness, but every story counts