Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weight Loss Shock

As I looked out into the audience this past Saturday during my seminar, I shocked some of the audience when I began talking about weight loss and getting into peak health. The speech was promoted as “Success Without Limits” and the description included information about achieving success, as well as including my coaching and fitness information. Everyone should have expected some discussion about heath and fitness. But nonetheless, I got some surprised looks and a few rolled eyes when I began my closing segment about getting into peak physical shape.

Would it matter how much success you had if your heart stopped after 58 years?
Do want to spend your retirement years propped up by a little day-of-the-week pill box?

Staying is peak physical shape is paramount to anything you do in life. It must be the foundation of your life if you want to experience the vitality and energy in the way you were designed. Don’t grow old ... Grow better.

It takes only a few minutes a day to get into and stay in peak physical condition. These few minutes each day has a return on investment approaching infinity. What is it worth to live an extra 20 healthy active years? More birthdays, graduations, weddings, smiles, laughter, and tender moments.

Make the best investment you can.
Invest in yourself and your health.