Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get healthy! Easier and Faster!

What do you think is involved with getting healthy? Eating right and exercising, right? That is part of it, but there is a greater picture.

The fundamental foundation of weight loss and living healthy is burning more calories than you use. You probably already know that. But have you considered that you can be (and should be) burning more calories throughout the day even when you are not exercising? Simple events can change your life, improve your health and increase the speed while making it easier.

Here’s how to do it. Burn more calories by doing these same things you are doing now, but in a better way.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park in the back of the lot instead of circling until you get the closest spot.
  • Walk at a faster pace.
  • Swing your arms while walking.
  • Get happy! Laughing burns more calories.
  • Walk to the mailbox instead of getting it from your car window.
  • Play outdoor activities with your children.
  • Print at the copier at the other end of the office.
  • Walk to the bathroom on the other side of the office.
  • Walk to the printer or bathroom like you are on a mission!
  • Take a brisk walk at lunch. You will also be more awake in the afternoon.
  • Un-automate part of your life.

Obviously this won’t replace your exercise program, but this will boost your success. Each little change will burn 10-50 additional calories. Add several of these each day and you can loose an additional pound or too a week.

Small changes can equal outstanding success!