Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weight Loss Magic

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to see motivational speaker and magician, Jim Snack. He was fabulous. The audience left the room jazzed, amazed, and motivated. Jim used a fabulous combination of magic, humor, and tricks to captivate the audience and also teach us some valuable lessons.

Lesson One: Sometimes you don’t see the obvious directly in front of you!

Using 5 pens on a desk he would arrange them in a pattern that correlated with a number. He would rearrange them and tell you the number. It was the audience’s job to figure out the pattern. I can’t tell you the solution to the game because that would ruin the surprise. The point is that the solution was so obvious, so transparent and clear, but still over 90 percent of the audience could not figure it out until it was explained. Then we all had a DOH! moment.

How does this relate to a healthy lifestyle, weight loss and a Better Body? The solution is this; sometimes you can’t see what is right in front of you even if it is obvious and in plain sight because of your conditioned patterns of problem solving. The patterns have developed all your life. The teachings of your parents, friends, teachers, and bosses have pigeonholed you into a particular way of thinking and problem solving. A way of thinking that is not always beneficial to your goals.

When someone tries to lose weight with diet after diet and she doesn’t get the long-term effect that she is looking for – this is obviously not an effective strategy. But this is exactly what people do, over and over and over. Hve you ever don this? If something doesn’t work, then try something else. Don’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results (see yesterday’s post about insanity).

When you give up dieting and decide to change your lifestyle you will begin to make permanent progress towards a healthy life and leave your weight struggles behind. You won’t always do the right thing and you won’t always find the best solutions in the beginning. Take another look and try to find the obvious that is right in front of you. What are you doing that can be tweaked or changed? What are you doing that can be taken to the next level? It is the accumulation of small changes that create BIG results!

The magic of healthy living is seeing the obvious that is right in front of you!

Live Fit, Laugh Often, Love Most! Life is a Wonderful Ride!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Insanity of Weight Loss

You have probably heard this phrase, but it is certainly worth repeating. “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.” In other words, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Be brave to change your habits to a healthy and fit lifestyle. Do be brave to withstand the pain and discomfort of your current habits. If you spend your life eating garbage processed foods, you will hate life later and complain that you should have done something when you were younger.

I like to ask people, “If you could go back and do anything different in your life for your health, what would it be?” Inevitably it is some version of living a healthier lifestyle; I would eat less junk food; I would exercise more; I would be more active. Then I ask, “Why don’t you start now?” I am met with a look of dumbfoundness as if to say, “I can do that?”

It is never too late and anything improvement you do will help you in as little as a few days. It doesn’t have to be, “Stop this lazy junk food life! I am getting off!” But, it could. Small changes can make dramatic results.

Stop the insanity and create the life of your dreams.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Best Weekend Ever

Last weekend I attended “The Best Weekend Ever” with David Wolfe and Peter Ragnar. It was a great weekend and I learned a lot from the best raw food nutritionists in the world. A raw foodist eats only veggies, fruits, nuts, legumes and basically anything that grows. This is stricter than a vegetarian or even a vegan because a raw foodist only eats raw food, never cooked.

The event was well attended with about 150 people for a 3-day seminar. David Wolfe talked about raw foods and explained the purpose and benefit of each. The most beautiful thing about David is that he is so genuine and approachable. He ate lunch and dinner with us, and answered so many question. Not to mention his incredible and depth of knowledge about nutrition. Peter Ragnar talked about his philosophies for health and balance in life via (seamless) 2-way video conferencing. Yes we even got ask Peter questions with the live video conferencing. Peter doesn’t leave his mountaintop. He is in his senior years, but you would never know it by the way he moves. His physical body is decades younger than his chronological age (which he won’t share). There were other speakers, that were also amazing and I will bring you information about them in future blog posts.

With a healthy and balanced life, every weekend can be the Best Ever!