Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting healthy and fit is easier than it seems

Becoming healthy and fit is a lot easier than it seems. You will think it is a difficult thing to do if you listen to the media and if you take advice from friends. The reason that most people cannot lose weight and become fit is because they are doing the wrong things. Obviously right?

Doing the wrong things also includes listening to the majority. If most people cannot successfully stay healthy and fit then why would you do what they do? Most people go out and buy the latest and most popular diet book expecting to lose weight plus shed fat and they fail at their goal. Why? Because the information is wrong OR it only answers part of the question.

Losing weight and becoming fit and healthy is easy to do if you do jus one thing… “Act as if.” That’s it. Act as if you are healthy and fit and you will become healthy and fit. It sounds too simple right? Yes and no. It is that simple if you do what fit and healthy people do. It is not simple if you do what most people do and make excuses instead of taking action.

ACT AS IF means:
Modeling healthy people (do what they do)
Eating the right foods
Doing the right exercise
Creating an active lifestyle
Staying away from the bad stuff
And maybe even staying away from “bad habit” people

The fact is, this is simple when you stop trying to be something you are not and start being someone who you will be ... who you already are. Act as if means you take on the belief that you are already there and the results have yet to appear. If you act as if you are already healthy and fit and do what a healthy and fit person does, then you will become healthy and fit as an effect of your lifestyle.

Give yourself the gift of health.

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Want to learn more ways to act and think like a fit person? Sign up for Croix’s free posts and videos. Look to your right. No the other right. lol


Dave Wheeler said...

Excellent post!

If someone can simply make the decision that they are going to exercise every day (for example), then there is much less stress right before each workout.

Because the question of whether or not you will work out has already been decided. You might not enjoy going for a run in the rain, but that is a choice that you have already made as part of your decision to exercise every day.

In addition, each action that follows through on your decision is an important demonstration of the type of person that you now are (even if the results haven't yet shown up in the size of your "love handles").

Keep up the good work !

d.Mark "Dave" Wheeler
The Incredible Shrinking Millionaire
(my blog is at...

Croix Sather said...

Thanks for commenting. You make excellent points. To decide, you cut off any other possibility. If you decide to exercise at a specific time and type then you are committed and most likely going to follow through. Also, as you touched on, there is less stress in following your exercise plan and more stress in NOT following your plan.

Your last paragraph is spot on and you said extraordinarily well, "... even if the results haven't shown up yet." Stay with your plan consistently and your results will show and you will become who it is you have decided to be.

I will follow your blog too. I am looking forward to seeing your journey.

BTW, check out my 'other' project at .