Saturday, October 25, 2008

How much protein is enough?

If you are concerned about your health then you have probably wondered, “how much protein do I need?” You may also wonder “what is the best source of protein?”

Protein is not as mysterious as many make it out to be. You don’t need as much protein as many claim you do, such as the USDA and the beef or poultry industry. Most people think of protein and think of beef or poultry. Here are some things you should know about the meat you eat.

The aim of the beef and poultry industry is to get you to eat as much beef and chicken as possible. Why? Because they make money every time you buy their products. They have lobbyists that pressure the government for less regulations and more subsides. They use tons of money and arm twisting to shape the food pyramid guide in a way that promotes eating a lot of meat. If the government says it is okay to eat meat three times a day, then most people will. Does the government or the meat industry care that excessive animal consumption leads to cholesterol and heart issues, as well increasing your risk for cancers and causing mutations in DNA . The beef and poultry industries care more about the bottom line than your safety. For example, hormones, chemicals, pesticides, and vaccines that get pumped into the animals at the typical meat mill farm is absorbed and ingested by you when you eat the burger and chicken cutlet. This is the same meat you buy in the supermarket under brand and store labels.

Where does this leave you? Do you stop eating meat and become a vegetarian? This is certainly a great option. But what if you don’t want to become a vegetarian? What if you like to eat burgers and wings? First I recommend learning more about the meat that you are eating. Take a peak around sites like People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yes, this group is a bit extreme, but they also have great information and eye opening videos to learn in the inside scoop on the meat industry. Need more insight, try this, or this story from Cornell University, US Could Feed 800 Million People with the Grain that Livestock Eat.

If you still want to eat burgers and Turkey at Thanksgiving here are the rules I recommend to my clients. No more than one serving of meat a day. This includes beef, poultry, pork and fish. Are you concerned you won’t get enough protein eating little or no meat, then consider this.

Does this guy look like he needs to eat more protein?
He is a vegan eating only plants.

What about this lady?
She eats only plants too.

What about a baby?
A breast feed human infant gets between 3% and 9% of her diet from protein. This is the point with more rapid and substantial growth and development than at any other time in our lives. If an infant in her critical stage of development needs such little protein, than why would we need more as adults?

Hmmmm, something to think about!

The bottom line.
Eat no more than 4 ounces of meat a day. Less is better. Eat more veggies, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, and other quality foods. If you are eating healthy balanced meals with lots of plant foods you will get plenty of protein. You will live longer, healthier, and feel better for it.
Bon Appetite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but the gorilla and elephant can digest food that we can't... :)
The rule of thumb I like is that you need an amount of meat less than the size of a pack of cards each day. Even less if you eat veggies high in protein....