Monday, October 27, 2008

The Rich were Fat

“When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and the right-thinking people worried about how to feed the hungry. Now the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and the right-thinking people are worried about obesity.”
- The Economist

December 13, 2003


Anonymous said...

Before the 20th century, the fashion was for delicately pale, nearly translucent skin. Only the poor were tanned. A bronzed skin betokened lives spent toiling under the elements. By the mid-1920s this had changed. By then the poor had largely forsaken the fields for sunless factories and mines, allowing the genteel to do a complete volte-face. The great outdoors called and, if you were out playing in the sun, you were going to get tanned. Now the pendulum has swung back again and intelligent people are avoiding the sun again to save their skin and their lives.

Anonymous said...

......and the ULTRA rich, the stars whom everyone wants to be like -- are TOO thin. Thin to the point of unhealthy, even life-threatening...and pictures of thin models are air-brushed and trimmed to make them even thinner...and teenagers puke in bathrooms and have to be fed intravenously because they think their emaciated bodies are too fat...and while some in society cluck their tongues and and try to force the industry to only hire healthy is in vain, for the advertizers are convinced that we all aspire to be Barbie....

How much better to be healthy ? for with a healthy body comes a vigorous life.